Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

         What is the significance of Fasting?
In the modern day world, we are constantly busy with our lives and we do not give time for our health, due to which we are not able to realize our potential to the fullest. When you fast, your health improves significantly and it improves your energy levels, due to which you will stop feeling exerted and keeps all health risks at bay. It also rejuvenates both your mind and soul!

2.       Is fasting essential for detoxification of the body?
Allopathic medicines definitely cure the commonly occurring diseases. However, there are other chronic health conditions that can only be cured by fasting.
Ever since ancient days, people have continued to fast and based on the latest studies, it has been proved that the adaptive cellular responses stand reduced with fasting, thereby lowering the oxidative damage caused and inflammation. It results in your metabolism being improved and cellular protection is at an advanced level, due to which the ageing process is slowed down and the risks of different types of diseases are mitigated.

3.       Can I fast at home or should I visit a ‘Fasting Center’?
Although you can do light fasting at home by drinking different types of juices, you will not be able to benefit to the fullest until your diet comprises of herbal juices and other organic products we offer, which also enrich you spiritually. Hence, it is better that you take a break and visit us at Atsumi.

4.       Why is accommodation separate and not included in fasting program?
As there are different options available for accommodation based on your budget, we have kept the cost of fasting program and accommodation separate. You can also stay at any place of your choice and visit us daily for your fasting program.

5.       Which category of people should NOT fast?
Fasting is recommended only among healthy adults and if people are suffering from health issues or chronic problems, it is best recommended that they consul their physician prior to participation in the fasting program. Atsumi is only a spiritual center and does not have healthcare facilities. The fasting consultants available here are highly trained in holistic health related to fasting, but they are not medical experts. Fasting Consultants reserve the right to admission to Atsumi based on your medical condition. For people suffering from any chronic conditions or other health issues, we have other programs to benefit you!

Full Detox Fasting Cleanse: Level One
By participating in the level one Atsumi program, you will have to attend the program for a minimum of four days and if you wish, you can fast for a period of up to 21 days. The programs can start on any day.

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